About Us
Compact Freight Services Pte Ltd was established in 1995 as an International Freight Forwarder specializing in “Ship Spares in Transit”.
The People - Our Strength
Compact is managed by a team of well experienced and dedicated professionals that are able to handle the complexities and demands to meet expectations for “On Time Delivery”.

Our nomination by Brown & Roots Far East Engineers Pte Ltd for Jurong’s Shipyard largest project in 1996 make a milestone in our achievement to be the most efficient Freight Forwarders servicing the marine industry. This reputation has enabled us to have an ideal client base by being appointed by Major Ship Owners and Shipping Agents.

Our management philosophy of “On Time All The Time” as Ship Spares In Transit is and always will be an urgent matter to us.

We appreciate and value each and every one of our customer as the opportunity and trust given to us has made us grow from strength to strength.

We believe that our customer’s success is crucial to our own success. Together, we look forward to new challenges ahead and to always be a part of our customer’s esteem organizations.